Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities

e-Blast Advertising

Is your business having a Sale or Special Event that you want to promote? E-Blast Ads are available to Members of our Chamber on a reservation basis (usually requiring two weeks’ notice). These Ads are circulated directly to our list of digital subscribers. Please email us to arrange your E-blast Advertising reservation today.

Advertising on the Community Hall Sign

Placing your Ad on the Chamber’s Port Sydney Community Hall Sign will get your business noticed all year long for as little as 55¢/day (plus HST). Hall Sign Ads can be ordered each year in February/March in preparation for the May-to-April advertising year. Members of our Chamber, and local Community Groups, enjoy Members-only rates, so be sure to: JOIN our Chamber, ORDER your Ad, and GET NOTICED on the Hall Sign this year. 

Advertising on the Highway 11 Billboard

Take your business advertising to new heights by placing your Ad on our Highway 11 Billboard (located on the East side of Highway 11, just north of Stephenson Rd. 1, perched 9m up on the rock cliff). These Ads are available through rental contracts with our Chamber as spaces become available. Please email us for more information about this Advertising Opportunity

Advertising on the Yard Sale Map

Place your Business Card sized Ad on our Yard Sale Map (typical circulation 200-300 Maps) and get noticed by bargain hunters during our Annual Community Wide Yard Sale, usually held each year on the first Saturday of June - rain, shine, or black flies. These Ads can be ordered during April and May each year. Please visit our Yard Sale page for details.

Business After Hours (BAH) Hosting, Sponsorship, or Prize Donation

Put your business in the spotlight when you Host, Sponsor, or Donate a Prize to one of our Business After Hours events. As a Host you will have the opportunity to give a short presentation featuring your business’ products and services and you will be recognized along with Sponsors and Donors through our event promotions, displays, and presentations. Contact us to discuss how we can put your business in the BAH spotlight.

Event Sponsorship or Prize Donation (Women In Business,  Business Showcase, AGM, etc.)

Sponsoring Chamber events is another opportunity for your business to shine and be recognized. Whether you’re contributing items to the Swag Bags or the Auction for our Women In Business event, or supporting the purchase of refreshments for the Annual General Meeting, your contribution as a Sponsor or Donor will be highlighted through our event promotions, displays, and presentations. Contact us to discuss opportunities for your business to shine at our events.

Volunteering at Chamber and Community events (Business Showcase, Yard Sale, Women In Business, etc.)

Volunteers are always needed and appreciated at Chamber events. Please let us know if you and/or a friend or relative would like to volunteer.